Selasa, 23 Juni 2009



Oleh: Sophan Syaiful
S2 - Magister Management
Dibuat: 2006-11-17 , dengan 1 file(s).
Call Number: 380.1 Sya a C.1

PT Rachmat and Family merupakan salah satu agen yang ditunjuk PT Pertamina (Persero) Unit Pemasaran II melalui PT Masulaagung Garbhamas untuk memasarkan gas di wilayah Bandar lampung. Masalah yang dihadapi PT Rachmat and Family adalah bahwa selama tahun 2001-2004 pangsa pasar yang dapat diraih rata-rata sebesar 4,56 persen per tahun dengan kecenderungan menurun setiap tahunnya. Selain faktor ekstern (antara lain inflasi, jumlah pasokan gas, pendapatan perkapita), kondisi ini juga disebabkan oleh faktor intern diantaranya strategi bauran pemasaran yang dijalankan perusahaan. Biaya distribusi menunjukkan peningkatan rata-rata
1,33 persen sedangkan biaya promosi mengalami penurunan 1,64 persen percaturwulan, sementara harga jual meningkat rata 5,28 persen percatur- wulan. Permasalahan yang dirumuskan dalam penuli- san tesis ini apakah apakah strategi pemasaran yang dijalankan PT Rachmat and Family dalam meningkatkan volume Sophan Syaifiul penjualan gas dipengaruhi oleh faktor faktor harga jual, biaya distribusi dan biaya promosi..
Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor harga jual, biaya distribusi dan biaya promosi terhadap volume penjualan gas yang dijalankan PT Rachmat and Family dalam upaya melaksanakan strategi pemasarannya. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah volume penjualan gas elpiji yang dijalankan PT Rachmat and Family dipengaruhi oleh faktor harga jual, biaya distribusi dan
biaya promosi. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda.Hasil penelitian dikatahui volume penjualan gas elpiji yang dijalankan PT Rachmat and Family dipengaruhi oleh faktor harga jual, biaya distribusi dan biaya promosi,
sehingga hipotesis yang diajukan dapat diterima. Hal ini diketahui dari hasil Uji F dimana nilai F hitung (44,131) > F tabel (4,07) sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, yang berarti secara keseluruhan harga jual, biaya distribusi, dan biaya promosi berpengaruh nyata terhadap volume penjualan gas elpiji pada PT Rachmat And Family pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Dengan nilaiR-Square sebesar 0,943 maka besarnya sumbangan harga jual, biaya distribusi, dan biaya promosi terhadap volume penjualan gas elpiji pada PT Rachmat and Family adalah sebesar 94,30 persen sedangkan sisanya 5,70 persen dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Tingkat elastistas terbesar ada pada biaya promosi sebesar 0,459 diikuti biaya distribusi 0,357,
sedangkan harga jual negatf sebesar -0,727.


PT Rachmat and Family is one of the appointed agencies by PT Pertamina (Persero) Unit Pemasaran II through PT Masulaagung Garbhamas to market LPG in the area of Bandar lampung. The problems faced by PT Rachmat and Family is
that in the period of the years 2001 -2004 the market segment that can be gained was 4,56 percent at the average and tended to decrease from year to year. Other than external factors ( among others inflation, the amount of LPG supply, income per capita), the condition was also affected by internal factors, among others, the mixed marketing strategies operated by the company. Distribution costs showed an increase of 1,33 percent at the average while promotion costs
experiencing a decrease of 1,64 percent quarterly, meanwhile the selling price was increasing 5,28 percent at the average quarterly. The formulated problems in the writing of this thesis is whether or not the marketing strategy operated by PT
Rachamt and Family was affected by selling price, distribution costs and promotion costs factors.
The aims of this study was to know the influence of selling prices, distribution costs and promotion costs to the LPG marketing strategy operated by PT Rachmat and Family in the effort of the company to raise its marketing position.The proposed hypothesis is that the marketing strategy operated by PT Rachmat and Family in selling LPG was influenced by selling prices, distribution
costs and promotion costs factors. Multiple linear regression has been used for the analyses.
The results of the study showed that the LPG marketing strategy operated by PT Rachmat and Family was influenced by selling prices, distribution costs and promotion costs factors so that the proposed hypothesis can be accepted. It was supported by the results of F Test, calculated F value (44,131) > F table (4,07) that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted., it means that generally, selling prices, distribution costs and promotion costs signifantly affected the LPG selling volume of PT Rachmat and Family at 95% level of confidence. With the value of R-Square of 0.943 then the contribution of selling price, distribution costs, and promotion costs to the LPG selling volume at PT Rachmat and Family was
94,30 percent while the rest 5,70 percent was influenced by other factors. The largest elasticity level was on promotion costs, namely 0,459 followed by 0,357 on distribution costs, while selling price was negative - 0,727.

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